Emotions: Powerful


Begin here!

A 9 minute writing exercise that will get the students to explore the emotions in the Powerful module, and how those emotions show up for them physically as well as energetically. 

  • What does this exercise show you about how how we all process and respond in this emotional state? Are we all the same?

    How were you the same as the people in your group? How were you different?

    Why does it help to know how you personally respond when you are feeling bad? What are the benefits of knowing this?

    How could this information help you to relate to others when they are feeling bad?

    Did anything on your list- or any of your groups- surprise you? Why?

    Did anyone write down other peoples ideas once they heard them? Why did they resonate with you?

9 Minutes

Embrace it: Body

A 21-minute physical exercise that guides the students through a mini yoga flow, connecting movement and affirmations to build positive self-talk.

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • What was it like choosing your three personal strengths?

    • What were the poses like? Was one harder than the others? Why?

    • How did your body feel at the end of this exercise?

    • What else could you say as you move through the warriors?

    • Do you think it helped you to believe your strengths when you added them to movement? Why? Why not?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

21 Minutes

Embrace it: Mind

A 12-minute writing exercise that teaches students how to recognise and then celebrate their strengths. 

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you find it easy or challenging to find 7 strengths? Why?

    • Was it easy or challenging to find ways to implement that strength within your week?

    • Do you think you are likely to put those strengths into action?! Why? Why not?

    • What might this exercise be good for?

    • Another version of this is to explore your weaknesses and find ways to work on them… would you like to try that? Why? Why not?!

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

12 Minutes

Embrace it: Breath

A 16-minute seated breath work exercise that will put students into pairs and encourages them to listen and work together to co-create a calm breath. 

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you prefer to be the one guiding the breath or following the breath? Why?

    • What happened when the leader was able to change the breath count? Could you stay focused as a pair or did you lose focus? Why?

    • When might this exercise be useful?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

16 Minutes

Reduce it: Body

A 13-minute quiet physical exercise that guides students through a range of options to raise their feet higher than their hearts to reset their minds. 

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you have to have a slight bend in the knees or was your back straight? Why?

    • Were you able to relax into the pose? Why? Why not?

    • When else might this exercise help you?

    • Did your mind wander when you were in it, or did you stop thinking?

    • How did you feel by the end of it?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

13 Minutes

Reduce it: Mind

A 13-minute seated pair work exercise that teaches students the skill and power of giving and receiving compliments. 

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you find it easier to give the compliments or receive the compliments? Why?

    • Some people find it very hard to accept compliments- if that was you, explore why you found it hard and what went through your head when you were being given them

    • How did you feel at the end of this exercise?

    • What other letters could you write to yourself?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

13 Minutes

Reduce it: Breath

A 14-minute quiet seated breath work exercise that will teach the students how to bring their body and mind back into balance via the breath. 

    • Did you like this breath exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you get confused with your left and rights?! What did you do to help yourself?

    • What did you focus on in the end as you did this exercise? The feel of your breath? The sound of my voice? Did you picture the tennis match of breath over your head? Discuss

    • Did you feel more energised or chilled at the end? Discuss

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

14 Minutes