The Emotion Series’ purpose is to help students and teachers learn how to regulate their emotions using their body (yoga), mind (welfare) and breath, by providing exercises that can be incorporated into the classroom and the curriculum.



Emotion Regulation

Emotion regulation is a term used to describe a persons ability to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience- the more regulated a person is, the more in control of their responses they are. 

Being able to emotionally self-regulate has many benefits for students and teachers- better coping strategies for stress, more flexible thinking and better focus and impulse control. This can lead to an increase in confidence, emotional well-being and overall happiness. 

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What is the Emotions Series?


The Emotion series has been built around the Emotion Circle - a tool that has been designed to help students recognise the emotional state they are experiencing, on a physical as well as an emotional level. Exploring and understanding how emotions feel within the body gives teens a much more visceral way of accessing and learning about their emotions- the key to emotion regulation.


In total there are 7 Emotion modules in the series, and 49 activities. All the modules are supported by videos, handouts, classplan suggestions, comprehensive instructions and class discussion questions, so the teacher leading the session has everything they need on the portal to deliver the series with confidence.







Each emotion module has an initial mind- mapping activity that uses the Emotion circle, to help students recognise and explore how that emotion shows up for them.


Then there are 3 body, mind and breath activities to EMBRACE the emotion, and three activites to REDUCE the emotion


To help students accept the way that they feel


To help students gain control of how they feel


How to use the activities.

Activities can be done individually (any class), they can be combined to cover a whole class (a PDHPE session), or each emotion module could be spread out over a whole term:



Think about what energy the room is in and what energy you would like them to be in by the end. Find the appropriate emotion module, choose an exercise that best suits the time you have available, print off the classroom handout, press play!

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Combined to cover a whole class

Decide what time your session is going to run for, and what emotion you would like to explore. Then, using the class plan suggestions for that module, find a session that best suits your class length, read what you need, print off the class handouts, and you are good to go!


An emotion module over a whole term 

There are 7 exercises in each module,so you could explore one exercise per week to cover one module per term. Or, you could combine exercises and cover 2 modules per term and the whole Series over the year!

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How it fits into the Curriculum?

Having body, mind and breath work exercises, this series is aligned with the Australian Well-being Framework, and the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians, by supporting students to ‘have a sense of self-worth, self-awareness and personal identity that enables them to manage their emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing’ (MCEETYA 2008).

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There are many critical self-regulation skills under development during adolescence. One of the best ways that Teachers can support this time, is to model this behaviour so that it becomes normalised- this is called co-regulation, and this is The Teen Yoga Projects secret sauce!

By learning these emotion regulation strategies alongside your students, not only will you be able to develop your students coping mechanisms, you will be able to enhance your own as well.

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Taking you from this…

To this …


****results may vary depending what term it is and how many coffees you have had…


Did you know, that as part of our FREE one month trial, you will get access to one whole emotion Series module?!
