The Teen Yoga Project's purpose is to help High schools Implement a whole school systemic approach to wellbeing and positive behaviour, by providing body, mind and breath exercises that can be incorporated into the classroom and the curriculum.
What is The Teen Yoga Project?
The Teen Yoga project is a membership based online portal that gives whole-school access to an ever growing library of yoga activities that considers a students cognitive, emotional, social, physical and spiritual wellbeing (Australian Wellbeing framework).
Designed for HighSchools
The Teen Yoga Project aligns with the PDHPE curriculum by supporting students to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills they require to make healthy, safe and active choices that will enhance their own and others’ health and wellbeing.
Why Yoga, and why now?
According to the Mission Australia Annual Youth survey, teens are more stressed out now than they have ever been, with mental health being their top area of personal concern.
Research into the effects of yoga on young people have shown that along with familial support, yoga leads to improved concentration and memory, respect for peers and others, self regulation, self confidence, feelings of well being, emotional balance and physical fitness.
By providing short body, mind and breath regulation exercises, TYP helps schools to deliver daily mental health support in every classroom, assisting students and teachers to navigate these challenges.
So how does it work?
Work is released in series:
The Emotion Series
The Emotion Series is a collection of 49 activities designed to teach students and Teachers how to self-regulate using their body (yoga), mind (welfare) and breath.
Brain Breaks
Brain Breaks is an ever growing collection of 5 minute physical and breath exercises designed to refocus, re energise and reconnect the room (release date 2023)
Access to the portal is via an annual membership that gives whole school access - one sign in, and any teacher can use it over the year!
Three types to choose from:
Unlimited - this gives you access to all our series, plus any new ones that get added
Brain Breaks - access to 21 five minute regulation practises
The Emotion Series - access to 49 emotion regulation exercises
Free Trial
A one month trial that gives you a lil’ taste tester of both our series:
Brain Breaks - 3 videos
The Emotion Series - 7 videos
Who is Emily?
Emily has been a yogi for well over ten years. She teaches adult and Teen classes in studios in Sydney Australia. In 2020, Emily trained with Teen Yoga in the UK, completing their comprehensive 100 hour Teacher Training course. At the same time, for the
In 2020, Emily trained with Teen Yoga in the UK, completing their comprehensive 100 hour Teacher Training course.
Prior to this, for 11 years, Emily was the co-founder of Bamboo Theatre, a theatre-in-eduction company represented by Australia’s leading theatre-in-education agency ‘Young Australia Workshop’. She wrote, directed and produced ten welfare programmes, covering topics such as cyberbullying, digital citizenship, respectful relationships, and peer group pressure. They toured schools across Australia and performed to well over 200,000 students. In 2019 Emily created ‘Nudge Theatre’, a solo project that saw her work specifically with female students,. Her interactive program ‘Girl Empowered’ explored the many challenges modern females face in today’s world. She toured the East coast of Australia (before covid hit and shut schools!). She also owned children’s yoga company ‘Stretchy Stories’, a yoga based story telling programme that toured preschools across the East Coast of Australia.
Hear from Emma Cashman,
Clinical Psychologist
“Our modern day understanding of holistic well-being encapsulates the importance of nourishing our physical, mental and spiritual health. The scientific research is exploding with the widespread benefits of breath work and yoga for children, adolescents and adults across each domain of holistic wellbeing.
Amongst the many challenges faced during the period of adolescence, young people aged 12 to 25 years old are also the most vulnerable to developing a mental health disorder or substance use problem. Stress is a key contributor to onset of mental illness and there is extensive support for yoga and breath work helping young people cope with stress and to regulate their nervous system. Further, yoga and breathe work (meditation) is recommended as a form of therapy by many health professionals, including world renowned mental health experts such as Bessel Vanm De Kolk and Gabor Mate.
Yoga and breath work incorporated in schools has been shown to helps students improve mood, resilience and their self-regulation skills pertaining to emotions and stress. Clinical studies have also indicated that yoga improves attentional difficulties, executive functioning and academic performance.”