Emotions: Sad


Begin here!

A 9-minute writing exercise that will get the students to explore the emotions in the sad module, and how those emotions show up for them physically as well as energetically. 

  • What does this exercise show you about how how we all process and respond in this emotional state? Are we all the same?

    How were you the same as the people in your group? How were you different?

    Why does it help to know how you personally respond when you are feeling bad? What are the benefits of knowing this?

    How could this information help you to relate to others when they are feeling bad?

    Did anything on your list- or any of your groups- surprise you? Why?

    Did anyone write down other peoples ideas once they heard them? Why did they resonate with you?

9 Minutes

Embrace it: Body

A fairly chilled out physical exercise that will guide the students to walk slowly around the space, exploring the flooring beneath their feet and paying attention to the way their feet connect to the floor. 

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • You walked slowly for around 5 minutes- did the time go fast or slow? Discuss

    • Did you notice anything about the way you walk? Do you walk more on your heel or on the ball of your foot?

    • What surprised you about this exercise and why?

    • Did you find this easier or harder than a seated meditation for 5 minutes? Why?

    • This exercise is to take you out of your head and put you into your body- did that happen for you? Why? Why not?

    • When else might this exercise be helpful?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

21 Minutes

Embrace it: Mind

A 10 minute writing exercise that will first have students mind dump anything that is worrying them, then it will teach them how to schedule worry time into their day to limit their worry-thinking! 

    • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Are you someone who sits and thinks and worries about things? How often do you think you do that in a day?

    • This exercise requires you to have worry time every day- will you commit to that and try it out for a week? Why? Why not?

    • Do you think this will be useful for you? Why? Why not?

    • What other emotions could you use this for? Maybe a stress list?!

    • Was there anything on your worry list that surprised you? Discuss

    • Was there anything on your worry list that you think might be there every day?! Discuss

    • Do you think you will need longer than two minutes for your worry time? Discuss

10 Minutes

Embrace it: Breath

A very quiet 17 minute exercise that puts the students into a full rest pose laying on the floor, with a short 4-count guided breath work. 

    • Did you like that exercise? Why? why not?

    • Which version did you choose (back or front) Why?

    • Were you able to fully relax into the exercise and chill out? What happened?

    • Did you get lost in thought at any point? Were you able to bring yourself back? How?

    • Did the four minutes go fast or did you feel like you were there forever?! Discuss

    • Could you do this exercise for longer? Why? Why not?

    • When else might this exercise be helpful?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

17 Minutes

Reduce it: Body

A 19-minute energetic physical exercise that puts students into pairs and gets them to co-create shapes to build fitness and communication skills. 

    • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Which position did you prefer- the lizard or the rock? Why?

    • Which version did you prefer- the seated one or the harder one? Why?

    • When the time extended to 30 seconds, were you able to relax and enjoy the pose? Why? Why not?

    • Do you think you could go for longer?! How long?

    • Was this pose relaxing? Why? Why not?

    • Did this partner pose increase your sense of happiness? Why? Why not?

    • Was there anything that made this pose tricky for you? How could you overcome that?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

19 Minutes

Reduce it: Mind

A quiet 10 minute writing exercise that will show students how to combat their inner critic by setting the affirmation ‘I am loved’.

    • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Was that this exercise easy or did you find it challenging? Why?

    • Were you able to relax into the affirmation and keep focused or did your mind wander?

    • How did it feel to remind yourself of all the people in your life that love you? Discuss

    • How else could you use affirmations like this? What else could you remind yourself of and say to yourself?

    • How could you let those people know you thought of them today?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

10 Minutes

Reduce it: Breath

A fun and energetic 15 minute breath work exercise that will teach the students the value of breath retention, without them realising that is what they are learning. Not a quiet game! 

    • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you find it easy or challenging to hold the inhale like that to keep the square of paper up?

    • Did you get super competitive?! Discuss

    • Did you try to make your course longer? What happened if you did?

    • What was your heart rate like at the end there? Was it faster, slower? What did that do to the way you felt?

    • What do you think the point of that game was? Hint: it is not just about making you laugh, it is about holding the breath to energise the body!

    • Do you think this is better than just sitting and holding your breath? Why?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

15 Minutes