Emotions: Peaceful


Begin here!

A 9 minute writing exercise that will get the students to explore the emotions in the peaceful module, and how those emotions show up for them physically as well as energetically. 

  • What does this exercise show you about how how we all process and respond in this emotional state? Are we all the same?

    How were you the same as the people in your group? How were you different?

    Why does it help to know how you personally respond when you are feeling bad? What are the benefits of knowing this?

    How could this information help you to relate to others when they are feeling bad?

    Did anything on your list- or any of your groups- surprise you? Why?

    Did anyone write down other peoples ideas once they heard them? Why did they resonate with you?

9 Minutes

Embrace it: Body

A 20-minute physical exercise that guides the students through a mini yoga flow, connecting breath and movement and building fitness and flexibility. 

  • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    How did this feel on the body- did you find this easy or challenging on your muscles?

    Were you able to add in the breath or was it too much to do breath and movement together?

    After the first few rounds, did you start to know what pose came next? Why? Why not?

    If you did a start to know what pose came next, how did that change the experience? Were you able to relax into it a bit more? Discuss

    Did you find yourself speeding up and going faster than Emily? Why?

    Did you get lost in thought at any point? Why? Why not?

    What was your heart rate like at the end? How did that affect your breath?

    What other emotional states could this exercise benefit? Discuss

    Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

20 Minutes

Embrace it: Mind

A 10-minute writing exercise that teaches students how to write and use a gratitude list for times when they are struggling. 

  • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    How did you find writing the gratitude list- was it easy, or did you find any of it challenging? Why?

    Did the word ‘gratitude’ work for you or did you choose one of the other words? Which one? Why?

    Was there anything that came up on your mind map that surprised you? Why?

    Were there people on your mind map? Did any of them surprise you?!

    At the end you are asked to write a short message to the people on your list to let them know you thought of them in this exercise- have you ever told that person you appreciate them? Why? why not?

    Will you send that message?! Why? Why not?

    How do you think it would feel to receive a message like that? Discuss

    What emotional states would reading this list help you to navigate? Discuss

    Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

10 Minutes

Embrace it: Breath

A 14-minute quiet guided meditation that will lead students through some breath-work and active listening to help them refocus and settle down. 

  • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    You were asked to listen to sounds coming from different places- your breath, inside the room, outside the room and as far away from the room as you could- which sound was the hardest to concentrate on? Which one was the easiest? Why?

    Did you get lost in thought at any point? What happened?

    If you did get lost in thought, were you able to come back to the meditation? Why? Why not?

    You did this guided meditation for roughly 4 minutes- do you think you could sit for that long without it being guided? Discuss

    Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

14 Minutes

Reduce it: Body

A 13-minute physical exercise that guides the students through a mini yoga flow that focuses on moving and stretching the back to regain some energy. 

  • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    How did this sequence make you feel by the end- energised or maybe even tried?! Discuss

    What was your breath like by the end- was it faster or slower than when you started? How did that make you feel?

    As the name suggests, back bends stretch the back and in turn, the belly- how did you feel physically by the end of this practise?

    These poses stretch out the wrists, toes and ankles- did you feel that? Did you like it? Discuss

    Once you had done the sequence a few times, were you able to relax into it and maybe even close down the eyes? How did that affect the way you felt and experienced it?

    What other emotions would this sequence be good for?

    Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

13 Minutes

Reduce it: Mind

A 16-minute physical exercise that will guide the students through their bodies to shake out any unwanted energy- this one has an added bonus exercise at the end for those prepared to be silly! 

  • Did you enjoy the first shaking exercise? Why? Why not?

    What did your body feel like at the end of that first shaking exercise - could you feel the energy you had cultivated moving around your body? Discuss

    Did you try the second shaking exercise ‘my name is Jo’? If you did- how was it? Did you giggle or did you think it was too much?! Discuss

    If you tired both shaking exercises, which one did you prefer? Why?

    Shaking is a great way of moving tired energy, and also releasing any energy that is not serving us- what other emotional states would this exercise be good for?

    Would you do this exercise again? Why? Why not?

    Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

16 Minutes

Reduce it: Breath

A fairly noisy and energising 12-minute seated breath work exercise that encourages the students to focus on the exhale- helping them to get rid of any tired, stagnate energy.

  • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    Did you prefer the seated version of Lions breath, or the one where we added it to goddess pose? Why?

    Some people love Lions breath but other people find it too stimulating- how did it make you feel?

    What other emotions do you think Lions breath would be good for? Why?

    Lions breath is quite a heating breath- did you experience that? Discuss

    Sticking the tongue out and make a noise can be fun for some, but for others it is hard to let go and enjoy it- what was your experience?

    Do you think you would enjoy this breath work more if you did it at home alone? Why?

    What was your heart rate like at the end of each round? Did you notice an increase? How did that affect the way you felt?

    Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

12 Minutes