Emotions: Scared


Begin here!

A 9 minute writing exercise that will get the students to explore the emotions in the scared module, and how those emotions show up for them physically as well as energetically. 

  • What does this exercise show you about how how we all process and respond in this emotional state? Are we all the same?

    How were you the same as the people in your group? How were you different?

    Why does it help to know how you personally respond when you are feeling bad? What are the benefits of knowing this?

    How could this information help you to relate to others when they are feeling bad?

    Did anything on your list- or any of your groups- surprise you? Why?

    Did anyone write down other peoples ideas once they heard them? Why did they resonate with you?

9 Minutes

Embrace it: Body

A quiet 12 minute physical exercise that will show the students how to turn in and tune out when things are too hectic and they need a reset. 

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Which option did you prefer – closed knee’d child’s pose with the arms behind you, or wide knee’d child’s pose with the arms extended? Why?

    • You spent 1 minute in your chosen child’s pose – did that go fast or really slow?! Why?

    • Did you get lost in thought? If you did, were you able to bring yourself back to your breath? What happened?

    • Did this exercise make your body feel relaxed or was it uncomfortable for you? How could you modify to make it more comfortable?

    • What other emotional state might child’s pose be good for?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

12 Minutes

Embrace it: Mind

A 15-minute writing exercise that is going to teach the students how to take a negative statement they might make about themselves and their lives and turn it into a positive one. 

    • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    • What was it like turning your mind map items into statements? Were you surprised at some of things you said to yourself?! Discuss

    • Did anyone get any positive statements about what is worrying you, or were they all negative? Discuss

    • What was it like turning your negative statements into positive ones? Did you find it hard? Why? Why not?

    • The idea with this exercise is to show you that you are in control of what you think- do you think this will help you next time you say something negative to yourself? Discuss

    • What other emotional states might this exercise be good for?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

15 Minutes

Embrace it: Breath

A quiet 15-minute breath-work exercise that will teach the students how to locate and then breathe from their bellies, helping them to slow their breath and heart rate down.

    • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Which chamber did you find it the easiest to breathe from (chest, rib cage, belly)? Why?

    • Which chamber did you find it the hardest to breathe from (chest, rib cage, belly)? Why?

    • Belly breathing is not easy for some- did anyone discover that their belly breath moved in the opposite way to the instruction? (so did your belly expand on the exhale instead of the inhale?!).

    • Did you find it helped to put your hands on the chamber you found the hardest to breathe from? Discuss

    • After a few rounds, were you able to relax in to the breath exercise? What happened?

    • Did anyone get lost in thought or were you able to stay focused on task? Discuss

    • What other emotional states might this breath exercise be good for?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

15 Minutes

Reduce it: Body

A 23-minute physical exercise that takes the students through a range of twisting poses to help them rinse out any unwanted energy stored in their bellies. 

    • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    • You experienced 4 twists- which one did you prefer and why?

    • You then chose one to stay in - what happened when you stayed in the twist for longer? Discuss

    • What other emotions do you think twists would benefit? (hint: great for periods!)

    • Did you try the challenge? If you did, what part was easy and what part was challenging? Did you wobble?!

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

23 Minutes

Reduce it: Mind

A 10-minute quiet exercise that guides the students to create and then use a four-word affirmation, based on how they want to feel that day. 

    • Did you enjoy this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • What emotion did you decide you needed more of today? Why?

    • Do you think that this affirmation helped to change the way you felt? Discuss

    • Affirmations are made stronger when you repeat them. In the tips you are encouraged to say your affirmation at home for a week- do you think you will? Why? Why not?

    • We are what we think- do you believe that? Discuss

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

10 Minutes

Reduce it: Breath

A quiet 10-minute seated breath work exercise that encourages the students to elongate their exhale to be twice the length of their inhale, helping them to slow down their busy minds. 

    • Did you like that exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you prefer the guided version of this breath, or when you were left alone to guide your own rounds? Why?

    • When you first started the breath, were you breathing faster than the guided count? Did you eventually slow down? Discuss

    • Did your mind wander or were you able to stay on task?

    • If your mind did wander, what did you do to bring yourself back to the exercise? Did it work?!

    • What other emotional state do you think this breath would be good for? Why?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

10 Minutes