Emotions: Happy


Begin here!

A 9 minute writing exercise that will get the students to explore the emotions in the Happy module, and how those emotions show up for them physically as well as energetically. 

  • What does this exercise show you about how how we all process and respond in this emotional state? Are we all the same?

    How were you the same as the people in your group? How were you different?

    Why does it help to know how you personally respond when you are feeling bad? What are the benefits of knowing this?

    How could this information help you to relate to others when they are feeling bad?

    Did anything on your list- or any of your groups- surprise you? Why?

    Did anyone write down other peoples ideas once they heard them? Why did they resonate with you?

9 Minutes

Embrace it: Body

An active 31-minute physical exercise that puts students into pairs and tests their physical and teamwork skills. This will not be a quiet game! 

    • ‘Yoga Gauntlet’ handout

    • Scissors

    • Option for glue or sticky tape

    • A timer (maybe the timer on your phone)

    • A place to move on the floor

    • A yoga mat if you have one!

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you get easy or hard pose/time combinations?! How did that make you feel?

    • Did you get lost in thought in the game or were able to stay focused on task?

    • When might this game be useful?

    • How does your body feel now? Do you feel like you got a workout?

    • How could you make this game easier/ harder?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise – was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

31 Minutes

Embrace it: Mind

A quiet 13-minute drawing exercise that encourages the students to be both creative and reflective. 

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you colour the mandala in or do something different? What did you do and why?

    • Did you find this exercise relaxing or did it make you feel something else? Explain

    • Did you find the self reflection easy or hard? Why?

    • Did you discover anything new about yourself by doing this exercise?

    • What might this exercise be good for?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

13 Minutes

Embrace it: Breath

A 12-minute standing breath work exercise that combines breath and movement to energise the body and make the most of the happy feels! 

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you find it hard to go slow?

    • If you sped up, what happened?

    • How did this exercise feel on the physical body?

    • Did you try the big sigh out? Why not?

    • If you did the big sigh out, how did that make you feel? Did you like it? Why?

    • When might this exercise be useful?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

12 Minutes

Reduce it: Body

A 16-minute physical exercise that guides the students through a mini yoga flow that will raise the heart rate and burn off some of their energy.

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Did you find this physically challenging? Why? Why not?

    • Were you able to remember the sequence or did you need to be told what came next?

    • Were you able to match the breath and movement together? Why? Why not?

    • Did you get lost in thought at any point or were you able to stay focused?

    • When else might this exercise help you?

    • How did you feel by the end of it?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

16 Minutes

Reduce it: Mind

A 12-minute writing exercise that will get the students to write a letter to themselves about all the things in their lives that they love so that they can read it when they are feeling down. 

    • Did you like this exercise? Why? Why not?

    • How did it make you feel writing to yourself?

    • Was it easy to write about things that make you happy, or was it hard? Why?

    • The idea of this exercise is to read this letter when you don’t feel so happy- do you think you will do that and will it help?

    • How did you feel at the end of this exercise?

    • What other letters could you write to yourself?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

12 Minutes

Reduce it: Breath

A noisy yet calming 17-minute seated breath work exercise that will help the students switch off and turn-in.

    • Did you like this breath exercise? Why? Why not?

    • Which hand position did you end up using and why?

    • How did making the buzzing sound make you feel?

    • Did you close your eyes? Why? Why not?

    • When might this breath exercise be useful?

    • Did you feel more focused and/or chilled at the end? Why? Why not?

    • Read how you felt before you started this exercise- was there any difference in how you felt by the end?

17 Minutes

Emotion seriesEmily Beale